Education Loan

Education Loan: Assistance to Facilitate Your Loan Process!

It is probably the first time that you are planning to avail a student loan for abroad studies. We know that higher studies abroad bring with it a significant financial implication and the process of acquiring an education loan can be both stressful and confusing. Due to cutthroat competition among lenders, including banks and other financial institutions, the dealers highly mislead their customers resulting in mis-selling of products that sometimes lead to repercussions. Therefore, to avoid being trapped in spurious statements and advice, it becomes imperative to acquire relevant information about the study loan for abroad studies!

We at PROGNO were fortunate enough to identify and address this issue through our Education Loan for abroad studies services. We understand that the loan amount and repayment of the same is a significant burden to the family. To minimize the impact on all fronts – from reduced Processing Fee (PF) to lower interest rates and insurance amounts, we have ensured that our professionals are with you throughout the process right from securing the best deals on your overseas education to final disbursement and more. Considering the sheer volume of the students, we have negotiated attractive wholesale deals for PF with all the leading lenders at much lower rates than the industry average.

We want our students to fulfill their foreign study aspirations without any financial anxieties. With your diligent team of experts and our customized services, you can achieve your academic goals in a basic hassle-free, and effective manner!

PROGNO Education Loan Assistance

In an endeavour to continuously provide value-added services that will help reduce the overall cost of your education abroad, we are pleased to introduce PROGNO Services, an initiative focused on helping you source funding at the most economical rate through some of our leading lenders.

At PROGNO, we want to demystify this opaqueness and create an environment wherein lenders chase students for loans. We intend to follow a 4-step process:

PROGNO Education Loan Process:

1. We’ll appoint a PROGNO Loan Counsellor to study your profile and understand your education loan requirement in detail.

2. Your Loan Counsellor will then relay the same to all lenders on a no-name basis and see which lender provides the most competitive package. This will create a sense of competition among the lenders.

3. Communicate the same with the parent and student and arrange a meeting with the most competitive lender to process the paperwork.

4. You can continue to stay in touch with your PROGN Loan Counsellor to follow up on your loan sanction and disbursement process.

As a first step, fill the below questionnaire to determine your interest in obtaining loans. Once we receive the completed questionnaires, we will begin inviting you to the office so that we can understand your needs.

NOTE: Students availing the loan through PROGNO will also get free VISA and Financial counselling.

For any queries, get in touch with us at

PROGNO Loan Partners

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